星期一, 11月 28, 2005

Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography - 2005/11/28

Public-key cryptography 常用的方法:
  1. Integer Factorization Problem (ex:RSA)
  2. Discrete Logarithm Problem (ex:ElGamal、DSA)
  3. Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem
RSA:(在這本書上寫 "It has been proven that the problem of determining the private key d from the public key (n,e) is computatuinally equivalent to the problem of determining the factors p and q of n; the latter is the integer factorization problem (IFP)",但並沒有引用文獻,需要再去查)

  • Key 的產生:輸入 Security parameter l,輸出 public key (n,e) 與 private key d
    1. 先隨機選擇兩個質數 pq,其 bitlength 為 l/2。
    2. 計算 n = pqΦ = (p-1)(q-1)。
    3. 隨機選擇 e 使得 eΦ 互質。
    4. 利用輾轉相除法找到 d,使得 ed ≡ 1 (mod Φ)。
    5. 技巧:medm (mod n)。
